

Linux archivers. TAR: Overview, installation and basic commands

Tar: Overview, Installation, and Basic Commands

Tar (short for Tape Archive) is a widely used command-line utility in Unix-like operating systems for packaging files and directories into an archive file. It is commonly used for creating backups, distributing files, and compressing data. Here is an overview of how to install tar, basic configuration settings, and some essential commands.

Installing Tar:

Most Unix-like systems come pre-installed with tar. However, if it is not available or you need to update it, you can install it using the package manager for your specific distribution. On Ubuntu, for example, you can use the following command:

sudo apt-get install tar

Basic Configuration Settings:

Tar does not have extensive configuration settings, but you can often customize the compression method used in conjunction with tar. Commonly used options include:

  • Compression with gzip:
  tar -czvf archive.tar.gz directory

This command creates a gzipped tar archive (archive.tar.gz) of the specified directory.

  • Compression with bzip2:
  tar -cjvf archive.tar.bz2 directory

This command creates a bzip2-compressed tar archive (archive.tar.bz2) of the specified directory.

Basic Commands and Descriptions:

  1. Creating a Tar Archive:
tar -cvf archive.tar files/directories

This command creates a tar archive named archive.tar containing the specified files and directories.

  1. Extracting Files from a Tar Archive:
tar -xvf archive.tar

This command extracts the contents of archive.tar into the current directory.

  1. Adding Files to an Existing Archive:
tar -rvf archive.tar new_file

This command appends new_file to the existing archive.tar.

  1. Viewing Contents of an Archive:
tar -tvf archive.tar

This command displays a list of files and directories contained in the archive.tar.

  1. Creating a Compressed Archive:
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz directory

This command creates a gzipped tar archive (archive.tar.gz) of the specified directory.

  1. Extracting from a Compressed Archive:
tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz

This command extracts the contents of a gzipped tar archive (archive.tar.gz) into the current directory.

Tar is a versatile tool with a wide range of applications. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it a staple for managing files and directories on Unix-like systems. Understanding basic tar commands can significantly enhance your ability to work with archives efficiently.