

Taiko blazpay QUIZ QUESTIONS

  1. Who controls the governance of the Taiko Protocol?
    • Correct Answer: Taiko DAO
  2. What is the role of the Taiko Treasury?
    • Correct Answer: Stewarding the growth and development of the Taiko ecosystem
  3. Which entity stewards the growth and development of the Taiko protocol and wider ecosystem?
    • Correct Answer: Taiko Foundation
  4. What is the responsibility of the Taiko Security Council?
    • Correct Answer: Managing emergency actions on the Taiko protocol
  5. How are operations on the Taiko network run?
    • Correct Answer: Permissionlessly by the community
  6. What is the primary goal of Taiko?
    • Correct Answer: Augmenting Ethereum’s core properties
  7. Which of the following is a product operated by Taiko Labs for frontend operations?
    • Correct Answer: Blockscout block explorer
  8. Which of the following is categorized under non-critical backend infrastructure managed by Taiko Labs?
    • Correct Answer: Fork of Uniswap v3 UI
  9. Which of the following is an open-source software maintained by Taiko Labs?
    • Correct Answer: Main homepage + this documentation site
  10. Which of the following is a critical backend infrastructure owned by Taiko Labs?
    • Correct Answer: Rollup contracts owner
  11. What is one key feature that sets Taiko apart from its competitors?
    • Correct Answer: Frictionless developer experience
  12. What does Taiko utilize to achieve execution-level compatibility with Ethereum?
    • Correct Answer: ZK-EVM (type-1)
  13. Which architecture does Taiko employ to permit app chains to define their proof systems?
    • Correct Answer: Based Contestable Rollup (BCR)
  14. In the contestation mechanism within Taiko, what does a contestant need to provide during the cooldown period?
    • Correct Answer: Contestation bond