

Taiko Quiz Answers Quiz: “WTF are booster rollups?»

Quiz Answers Quiz: “WTF are booster rollups?»

ENDED Quiz: “WTF are booster rollups?»

Question: Which type of rollup can potentially benefit from the booster functionality?
Answer: Both optimistic and ZK rollups.

Question: What advantage does the BBR design offer developers regarding deploying their decentralized applications (dapps)?
Answer: Developers deploy their dapps once on L1, and they automatically scale across all boosted L2s.

Question: What role do L1 validators play in the context of Based Booster Rollups?
Answer: They directly propose blocks for the entire boosted network.

Question: What distinguishes booster rollups from other rollup solutions?
Answer: They execute transactions as if they are on L1 while having their own storage on L2.

Question: What does the concept of “uniform” entail in the context of booster rollups?
Answer: Users experience the same interfaces across L1 and all booster rollups.